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Get Perspective: Selecting your ideal college may be one of the most important things that you ever do. Also, it won't just happen by itself. You love the game, so put in the effort required to play at the next level...
If you think that college coaches will come looking for you, then you're probably wrong. If you think you can sit back and wait until your senior year to start, then you're definitely wrong. Change your perspective - it takes time, energy and an organized approach to do it right.
Take a few steps towards your success...

Get a Team: Just as with all of the NEU games that you play, it's a total team effort. Pick your college selection team carefully, but most importantly - do it now!
You’ll need help getting through this process and getting an unbiased view of who you really are. Pick a team of people that know you and that you respect, who can help you through the selection process. Let them help you develop your ‘Marketing Me Plan'...

Get Selected: Either the college coaches are recruiting you or you're recruiting them! How do you get found and how do you find them?
Follow the 3 step process and learn how you might fit into a college, the type of college that fits you and how to connect the two. Also, find out what to ask in an interview with a coach and how to find information on the NCAA and how it may impact your search. Then you're ready to make a visit and talk to a few coaches...
College Recruiting/Selection Seminar: March 3, 2024
The NEU College Recruiting Seminar will be held on Sunday March 3rd from 4:00PM to about 6:00PM this year at Star Hill Athletic Facility. It will be held upstairs in the Group Training Room at the top of the stairs. Just go up the stairs in the main lobby and turn right to get to the room.
Click here to LEARN MORE NCAA Guide for the College Bound Athlete
On April 12th and 13th Roy Gurnon with an assist from coaches Dave Stearns and Conal Koppisch hosted the girls 2000 and 2001 teams on a two day whirlwind college tour. They formally and informally visited 7 colleges in two days. They visited College Coaches, Academics, College Players and Students. Click on the image below to join the experience.

Something To Think About Today:
Your High School season just ended! Time to start thinking about camps. Why? Check out this post... Blog Post.
Nailing an interview with the coach. Are you ready?
Find out in this new Blog Post.
Your College Selection Bible - 2023-2024 NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete CLICK HERE
Education is the #1 Reason You're Going to College!
Use soccer to improve your academic opportunities!
FIRST touch is important. Watch this video...
FIRST contact with your future coach is also important! Start the college selection process now. Be FIRST!